Friday, 16 December 2011

Christmas Holiday Homework

Your AS TV Drama mock exam will be on the Representation of Gender.

To revise for this, watch a few clips from  several different sub genres of TV Drama and consider how genders are CONSTRUCTED.  Are they stereotypical, or do they challenge stereotypes.  For instance, are women shown as passive, in domenstic roles...or are they shown as strong, successful career women.  Are they weak and emotional, or are they strong and determined?

Are men portrayed as unemotional and undomesticated?  Are they in control and dominant? 

What roles is each character playing?  What are their occupations?  Family situations?

Consider how camera angles, shots and movements, mise en scene, lighting, editing and sound are all used to construct these representations.

Read through the articles and links that I have posted.  Make sure that you post your Ethnicity essays, so that I can read through and give you some feedback before the exam.  (Preferably not the day before we come back to school please!)


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